This is an old article but with Christmas coming up I've noticed a lot of kids acting this way. Anyway I will bold some points, and see if you guys agree, disagree or just don't care.
"We’re lavishing our kids with unwarranted praise, trying to be their BFFs instead of their parents, and giving them anything they ask for. Where have we gone wrong?"
Should parents praise their children and comfort them as a best friend or should parents criticize and give their children tough love to teach them life lessons?
"Bring back the chores, proclaims Richard Bromfield, a Boston psychologist and author of How to Unspoil Your Child Fast. Simple tasks like making beds, washing dishes, and setting the table teach kids a basic work ethic and give them a sense of accomplishment. That’s what makes kids happy—“not constant flattery and reward,” Bromfield says. “Competency and real skills are what endow a child with robust self-esteem.” Chores, in other words, give them purpose and “a real connection to their world and their place in it.”"
Do parents make their children happy by rewarding them and letting them decide how to run their lives or are parents making their children happy by strict guild lines and chores to make them understand hard work?
"Stop giving. “Getting what they want, whenever they want it, can undermine children’s learning patience, gratitude, and all those old-fashioned values that help the adults they grow into manage a healthy, responsible, and contented life,” Bromfield says. Ironically, he says, “Affluent parenting can deprive a child of fundamental life skills.”"
Should parents give their children their every want to show them what life has to offer or should parents teach old fashion values? Do the old fashion values apply to the 21st century or do they belong in the past?
"here’s a teenager who roars down our street in a bright yellow Audi. I asked my neighbor, “Who buys their teenage son a brand-new sports car?” She gave it to me straight: “Dumb parents.” She has a point; but really, what drives people to make poor parenting decisions? I have a theory: They want their kids to like them. That has to be the reason parents these days allow their middle schoolers to stay up past midnight to watch The Tonight Show, or let their teenagers host unsupervised gatherings at their homes, or why they remain silent while their kids badmouth their teachers."
Should parents buy their children nice cars and other things if they can afford it? Should teenagers be allowed to do these types of things to learn how to become young adults? Or should they be taught with strict rules and responsibility how to become an adult.
Plenty more in the article just some things I wanted to highlight. If you'd like to quote some more from the article and post your thoughts more than welcome!
"We’re lavishing our kids with unwarranted praise, trying to be their BFFs instead of their parents, and giving them anything they ask for. Where have we gone wrong?"
Should parents praise their children and comfort them as a best friend or should parents criticize and give their children tough love to teach them life lessons?
"Bring back the chores, proclaims Richard Bromfield, a Boston psychologist and author of How to Unspoil Your Child Fast. Simple tasks like making beds, washing dishes, and setting the table teach kids a basic work ethic and give them a sense of accomplishment. That’s what makes kids happy—“not constant flattery and reward,” Bromfield says. “Competency and real skills are what endow a child with robust self-esteem.” Chores, in other words, give them purpose and “a real connection to their world and their place in it.”"
Do parents make their children happy by rewarding them and letting them decide how to run their lives or are parents making their children happy by strict guild lines and chores to make them understand hard work?
"Stop giving. “Getting what they want, whenever they want it, can undermine children’s learning patience, gratitude, and all those old-fashioned values that help the adults they grow into manage a healthy, responsible, and contented life,” Bromfield says. Ironically, he says, “Affluent parenting can deprive a child of fundamental life skills.”"
Should parents give their children their every want to show them what life has to offer or should parents teach old fashion values? Do the old fashion values apply to the 21st century or do they belong in the past?
"here’s a teenager who roars down our street in a bright yellow Audi. I asked my neighbor, “Who buys their teenage son a brand-new sports car?” She gave it to me straight: “Dumb parents.” She has a point; but really, what drives people to make poor parenting decisions? I have a theory: They want their kids to like them. That has to be the reason parents these days allow their middle schoolers to stay up past midnight to watch The Tonight Show, or let their teenagers host unsupervised gatherings at their homes, or why they remain silent while their kids badmouth their teachers."
Should parents buy their children nice cars and other things if they can afford it? Should teenagers be allowed to do these types of things to learn how to become young adults? Or should they be taught with strict rules and responsibility how to become an adult.
Plenty more in the article just some things I wanted to highlight. If you'd like to quote some more from the article and post your thoughts more than welcome!
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