I deconverted from Christianity by accident really.
About 14 years ago I got into an argument with another Christian. I was raised Southern Baptist so I was raised to believe in once saved always saved. The impossiblity of apostacy. The surety of the believer.
The person I was arguing with was from another sect of Christianity which believed in falling from grace.
This troubled me, because, well hell, I didn't want to burn for an eternity. We both argued our case and backed them up with verses from the bible that supported both views. Faced with rock solid evidence that the bible was contradictory I decided to use my "god given" intellect to figure it out.
As those years went by I visited many countries, including muslim countries.
I started to think, what if someone was born in a small town in Saudi Arabia (which is 99% muslim), was raised to believe that, was a really good, decent person that grew up with his family members and friends to believe in Allah, lived a good life, and died? Well according to what I was raised to believe he was going to burn forever.
That started to not make any sense to me. How could a loving god set up reality like that? That guy didn't have a chance.
Come to think of it, if god loved us, why hell in the first place? No one forced him to set it up like that. It's fucking God. He could set it up any way he would want to. So why would a loving god do that? I wouldn't do that. I'd just blip them out of existence or something. That's way more loving than hell.
Was I more loving than god?
It took me years. But finally I slapped myself on the head and said to myself, this is all made up bullshit. It's fucking obvious.
I used to literally shake in fear at night back when I was 6 and 7 in terror of going to hell.
I don't fear hell at all anymore. Actually I'm convinced that if hell does exist, it's going to be full of Christians and Muslims. Heaven's going to have a crap load of atheists and buddhists partying down.
About 14 years ago I got into an argument with another Christian. I was raised Southern Baptist so I was raised to believe in once saved always saved. The impossiblity of apostacy. The surety of the believer.
The person I was arguing with was from another sect of Christianity which believed in falling from grace.
This troubled me, because, well hell, I didn't want to burn for an eternity. We both argued our case and backed them up with verses from the bible that supported both views. Faced with rock solid evidence that the bible was contradictory I decided to use my "god given" intellect to figure it out.
As those years went by I visited many countries, including muslim countries.
I started to think, what if someone was born in a small town in Saudi Arabia (which is 99% muslim), was raised to believe that, was a really good, decent person that grew up with his family members and friends to believe in Allah, lived a good life, and died? Well according to what I was raised to believe he was going to burn forever.
That started to not make any sense to me. How could a loving god set up reality like that? That guy didn't have a chance.
Come to think of it, if god loved us, why hell in the first place? No one forced him to set it up like that. It's fucking God. He could set it up any way he would want to. So why would a loving god do that? I wouldn't do that. I'd just blip them out of existence or something. That's way more loving than hell.
Was I more loving than god?
It took me years. But finally I slapped myself on the head and said to myself, this is all made up bullshit. It's fucking obvious.
I used to literally shake in fear at night back when I was 6 and 7 in terror of going to hell.
I don't fear hell at all anymore. Actually I'm convinced that if hell does exist, it's going to be full of Christians and Muslims. Heaven's going to have a crap load of atheists and buddhists partying down.