(July 21, 2015 at 1:54 pm)omnomnom Wrote: I am seriously fed up with some religious people imposing their beliefs on me. But I am even more angry when some liberals (who hypocritically claim to actually "live and let live") impose their beliefs on others as well. This whole controversial gay issue is a prime example. Those Christian dude's who refused to bake a cake for a gay couple get fined for not doing so??? Are you telling us What to believe? Are you infringing our 1rst amendment rights?
Because the main point of the first amendment is your right to refuse service to groups you hate. I feel you (at arm's length.)
(July 21, 2015 at 1:54 pm)omnomnom Wrote: The very thing you gay liberals were fighting FOR? Who is being the *hypocrite* and *bigot* and *infringing first amendment rights* now? Just because some Christian assholes told you to go to hell doesn't mean you got to beat the shit out of all of us. I don't believe in gay stuff anymore and I have the right to do so let me live and let live. We agree to disagree, you don't attack me, I don't attack you. Your rainbow flags and all of a sudden playing the victim card to attack a group of people that you have a grudge shows your hypocrisy. Of course this doesn't excuse Christians from doing the same thing themselves. Everyone protect each other's first amendment rights.
I've never seen a more blatant case. This guy is going to be so sore when he realizes what a bottom he really is. (Cue Vorlon to show him the soaps.)