RE: The Statler Waldorf Balcony
October 21, 2010 at 7:18 pm
(This post was last modified: October 21, 2010 at 7:54 pm by Statler Waldorf.)
(October 21, 2010 at 6:36 pm)orogenicman Wrote:Quote:Well somebody has been watching "Inherit The Wind" too much. The trial was not even dealing with whether or not you can teach evolution in the classroom. Rather it was on whether the use of a certain Evolutionary Textbook (one that even viewed whites as the superior race) violated the Butler Act. Scopes' lawyer pleaded with the Jury on the final day to actually find his client guilty, only so he (the lawyer) would not have to take the witness stand. Scopes was found guilty by the court for violating the Butler Act (So they did lose this trial like I said). He was later aquitted by the Supreme Court in Tennessee on a technicality. You shouldn't always look to Hollywood for your information on historical matters. I stand by my original position that judges should never decide what is and is not Science.
The point is that the "jury" is no longer out with regard to the theory of evolution. The Dover trial made it very clear that ID is a mask for creationism, misrepresents science, and is a religious belief, a fact on which the Supreme Court has already ruled. What they decided was what ID and creationism was not. What they are not is science, and where they don't belong is in public school science class. Yes, SW, we are all aware that nothing would make creationists happier than to keep the courts from protecting the rights of Americans.
Hmm, well you may be happy with people with law degrees deciding what is and is not Science, but I am not. Besides, one of your buddies on here defined Science as "wanting to learn", seems like you guys don't even agree what is science and is not science. Creation Science falls under the dictionary definition of science so I like to define it as so- I don't care what some Judge thinks. You are right about one thing though, ID and Creation Science should not be in public schools, but neither should kids.
P.S. ID is not Creationism, stop trying to tell Creationists what they believe and what they don't believe. The ID movement are just a bunch of Old-Earth Scientists who recognize the weaknesses of Neo-Darwinian Theory and Abiogenesis and want something more intellectually satisfying. Some of them believe in panspermia, which is not Creationism. I am not surprised that the legal professionals in Dover could not see this clear distinction, considering their area of focus is the legal system and not science. However, I am a bit surprised you cannot see this clear distinction.
(October 21, 2010 at 6:47 pm)Chuck Wrote:(October 21, 2010 at 6:43 pm)Statler Waldorf Wrote: Please tell me, using your Atheistic Worldview why it would be wrong for a person to view women as inferior. This ought to be good.
Based on evidence. My wife completely independently developed the same regard for science and the same contempt for creationism that I did.
Just because your wife is just as wrong as you are on these matters does not tell us why it is morally wrong to view women as inferior using your Atheistic Worldview.
Okay Statler, While I completely disagree with you that all sources are equal in fact, I believe that sources earn their credibility based on a history of good practice. I've had a quick look at Dr. Lisle article and can see some issues right from the start;
Jason Lisle in the Answers Research Journal Wrote:Mature Creation
It has been suggested that God supernaturally created the beams of light themselves. That is, the light beam from every star to earth is created “in transit” at the same time the stars are created. This light en-route model is often presented in the context of mature creation: the idea that God created the universe fully functional from the start, and that the universe required no time or process to become what God wanted it to be.
Mature creation is sometimes inappropriately referred to as “appearance of age”; however the latter term fallaciously implies that age can be seen or otherwise empirically measured. But since age is not a physical property or substance, it cannot be directly observed. Of course there is a sense in which we say that something appears old or young—a person who looks “young” for his age, or a car that looks quite “old.” In these cases, we are speaking idiomatically, comparing observable characteristics and then making an inference based on comparisons with other samples whose age is known. This of course is not possible with the universe, since there is only one known member of its class (Chaffey and Lisle 2008).
Strictly speaking, something cannot appear old or young, because age is not an observational property. Age is a concept indicative of history, which cannot be observed in the present. When someone says he believes the universe “looks old,” this simply reveals something about the initial conditions he has assumed—not about the universe. Thus, the universe was not created with “appearance of age,” but it was created mature—in the sense that it functioned immediately upon God’s creating it. Just as Adam was created mature, needing no time or process to reach adulthood, so was the universe.
Mr Lisle outlines his assertion of 'Mature Creation' in that his deity created the universe in a functioning state requiring no time to reach a sustainable, inhabitable universer.
Mr Lisle unfortunately commits several assumptions, that god exists, that he is capable of creating the universe spontaneously and so on. These assumptions make him inclined to believe that the simple answer 'God made it this way' has some inherrent value despite essentially raising more questions than it would settle.
When he points out that the assumption of age is a product of the assumed boundary conditions he is quite correct. Again however his soloution is infinetely more improbable and complex than the one he is trying to disprove.
Jason Lisle in the Answers Research Journal Wrote:Many arguments against a young universe are indeed easily refuted by pointing out that the universe was made mature, and hence the advocate of an “old earth” has assumed the incorrect initial conditions. Today, for example, trees need a certain amount of time to reach a certain size. But the first trees were created supernaturally, and needed less than a day to reach their size. If someone were to assume that the first trees came about by today’s natural processes (growing from a seed at today’s rate), he or she would vastly overestimate the age.
Mr Lisle here states that 'Old Earth' assumptions are easily refuted by pointing out that all this assumes the earth & universe are old. He fails to note that these assumption are based on a vast mountain of evidence which points exclusively this way while his own theory by its definition as 'supernatural' has none.
I know, now you can claim that god wanted it all to look this way. This introduces a complication which is yet again not required, as the existing models BASED ON EVIDENCE can account for it without invoking a creator deity.
Jason Lisle in the Answers Research Journal Wrote:The overwhelming majority of old-earth, or old-universe arguments are fallacious because they are based on faulty, unbiblical initial conditions . For example, by assuming that the universe began with no size, or that the solar system formed from a nebula, and then extrapolating how long it would take to reach its present state, of course one is bound to reach a faulty age estimate that is inflated by a factor of millions. Old-universe supporters frequently make such mistakes. They have arbitrarily assumed unbiblical initial conditions , and then use the resulting inflated age estimate to argue that the Bible is wrong. But, of course, this simply begs the question.
Mr Lisle asserts that only biblical initial conditions are valid, despite the lack of any evidence in their favour. His entire argument assumes the correctness of the bible and existence of god and therefore is inherently flawed ... not because of the assumption itself but because his assumption has no evidence, while the opposing theories assumption are backed up by a history of conciliatory experiments.
Mr Lisle unfortunately has had to try so hard to fit his pre-concieved ideas of a 6000-7000 year old earth into his science that he ends up having to make blind assertions that things were created that way at an aribitrary point in time.
P.S. I really apologise for my spelling & grammar. I'm quite busy at the moment so I write these posts in a hurry. [/hide]
Hey Sam
Thanks for reading the article. I think you will find that Lisle does not actually like the "Beams created already in place" argument. I believe he is just explaining different Creation Models at this point in time.
Well I think you are have actually gotten to the very heart of the issue. That evidence itself does not favor one side or the other. If I use anti-biblical assumptions or purely naturalistic assumptions I can certainly interpret the evidence to fit an old universe/world. However, this interpretation cannot then be used to argue against someone who uses biblical assumptions because I assumed the Bible was not true from the very beginning. So I would be assuming the proof or begging the question. Where if I assume the Bible is true and then interpret the evidence from there I can argue for a young Earth rather easily. Even though both sides are looking at the same evidence. Dr. Lisle is well aware of this, he goes into this is very great detail in his DVD, "The Ultimate Proof for Creatioin". Where he takes teh argument down to really a debate between Worldviews where it should be occuring. Have you read the entire article yet? I think it gets pretty interesting.
I will give you an example of how pre-suppositions can effect the interpretation of the evidence on both sides.
When red blood cells were found in T-rex bones in the late 90's and ealry 2000's both sides interpreted this same evidence completely different based upon their pre-suppositions.
The evolutionary side first said that they could not have been red blood cells. Why? Well they know that red blood cells could not have lasted 65 million years. One of their pre-suppositions was that T-rex lived that long ago. So these fossils had to be that old
When the structures were in fact shown to be red-blood cells then the Evolutionary side just said, "well I guess red blood cells CAN last 65 million years".
The Creation side said, "well we are not surprised you found red blood cells because T-rex only lived 4500 years ago."
See how that works? Same evidnece, two very different interpreations based completely on pre-suppositions.
Another example of this was given by one of the Geologists at CMI. He said that he and his friend (an old Earth Evolutionist) were talking one day. The creationist asked the evolutionist what it would take for him to believe that Dinosaurs and Man co-existed. The evolutionist said he thought probably finding a fossilized dinosaur print with a fossilized human print inside of it.
Well in the mid 90's there were a set of prints being looked at in Texas that looked like human prints with dinosaur prints (later found out to not be human prints). While this research was going on the creationist asked his firned if he was going to believe humans and dinosaurs co-existed if these tracks proved to be valid. The friend told him that he had been thinking about their conversation and said that he had decided that if human tracks were ever found with dinosaur tracks then that would actually be evidence for time travel. Both sides can sit there and make up these rescue mechanisms to preserve their preconceived ideas of how the world works.
Well they are actually very concerned with methodology. It's not like you could just write up some paper that said the Earth was young and they would accept it. It's a creation journal so it comes to me as no surprise that they would want creation articles published in it. Just like a psychology journal would want articles concerning psychology published in it and the journal Evolution probably wants articles that support the theory of Evolution. As long as they are very strict about methodology (which they are) then I do not see a problem with that statement. I could write up the World's best research paper, have flawless methodology, but if my outcome pointed to a Creator or a Young Earth I can bet it would not get published in Evolution or Science. Both sdies want a specific kind of article, wich I guess is ok as long as we are allowed to read both sides' journals. Your thoughts?