Pulsars can bean example, DNA as we know it however is not a literal truth. It is a scientific MODEL that so far accurately represents reality; the model explains all of our observations of DNA thus far and thus is considered the leading theory.
So in a sense yes, DNA is a code invented by human minds, a code that accurately explains many things in modern science and medicine and if it were not true these experiments and medical procedures would fail reliably.
However, hes making an outright assumption about codes, a code is only a code after it's been interpreted to have some hidden meaning. Otherwise it's only a pattern.
One example I can find that fits his definition (though he will deny it anyways) is old sound recording mechanisims. When we talk we create changes in air pressure that are later interpreted as sounds by any creature with ears, or a sound recording device. It's just air pressures but, we use it as a social tool. Any creature that speaks (and hears) uses these waves of air pressure to not only communicate but, to survive, by listening for creatures behind it, or by making/listening for mating calls.
So in a sense yes, DNA is a code invented by human minds, a code that accurately explains many things in modern science and medicine and if it were not true these experiments and medical procedures would fail reliably.
However, hes making an outright assumption about codes, a code is only a code after it's been interpreted to have some hidden meaning. Otherwise it's only a pattern.
One example I can find that fits his definition (though he will deny it anyways) is old sound recording mechanisims. When we talk we create changes in air pressure that are later interpreted as sounds by any creature with ears, or a sound recording device. It's just air pressures but, we use it as a social tool. Any creature that speaks (and hears) uses these waves of air pressure to not only communicate but, to survive, by listening for creatures behind it, or by making/listening for mating calls.