(August 17, 2015 at 10:44 am)ShiningSerpent Wrote: In the Bible it is made clear that the Jews are the Chosen from all the nations, I ask Why?
Nearly every page has either the word "Jew" , "Israel" , or "Jerusalem" in it.
What is so special about the Jewish people? Do you think the Jews are merely a religious group?
"We have to recognize that Jewish blood and the blood of a goy are not the same thing" - Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg
"Hitler was right in one thing. He calls the Jewish people a race, and we are a race" - Rabbi Stephen S. Wise
Gentiles were always known to worship many Gods. It is the Jews who have introduced us this monotheistic, omnipotent omnipresent bullshit.
Jesus is just the Jewish archetype for Gentiles to slavishly worship. It is subconscious, and a hint to why Christians have such a strong affinity for the Jews.
The Chosen ones were never chosen they have appointed themselves to this title of which they never deserved.
One last thing, to the Truth seekers. In the rabbinical texts, the Jews claim that "The Gentiles are the seed of Satan". Another thing you should consider, "Satan" means Enemy in Hebrew.
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Religious sponsored racism that's why.
Do I think Jews are a religious group? Yes and no, I believe those who settled in Israel shortly before, during, and after world war II are very confused Caucasians (or whichever ethnicity they descend from) but I do believe that if anyone were to be considered descendants of the ancient Jews of Judea it would probably be the Palestinians who now mostly believe in Islam.