You came here looking for help (the title of your thread). We listened to you, even asked questions, and then gave what each of us thought was a helpful response.
In my opinion, what you then gave us in return was an attack. Not a "thanks but I don't agree", but an attack. So obviously you didn't want our honest thoughts. I'm not sure what you expected or wanted. How about "There, there, everything is perfectly OK". That work without an attack response?
I'll continue to monitor this thread but I'm afraid you can't expect much continued support from me.
Still hoping you find a solution and happiness.
You came here looking for help (the title of your thread). We listened to you, even asked questions, and then gave what each of us thought was a helpful response.
In my opinion, what you then gave us in return was an attack. Not a "thanks but I don't agree", but an attack. So obviously you didn't want our honest thoughts. I'm not sure what you expected or wanted. How about "There, there, everything is perfectly OK". That work without an attack response?
I'll continue to monitor this thread but I'm afraid you can't expect much continued support from me.
Still hoping you find a solution and happiness.
Being told you're delusional does not necessarily mean you're mental.