(September 18, 2015 at 11:59 am)MTL Wrote: Lek, you "quoted" me into a reply, yet you left no actual reply.
So I know you saw my post...are you looking for the thread in which I left a description of my
"spiritual experience"?
If Yes, here it is, copied & pasted from the other thread:
I've found myself in very similar situations and I too have angered by the seeming lack of a response from God. God has never once spoken a word of English to me. Although I've never doubted the existence of God, I often have doubts about the reliability of the bible. One day I finally came to the conclusion that I couldn't fully accept the bible and christianity, and came to the conclusion that I was simply a general theist. This came after months of searching and praying to God for guidance. At this point I still prayed to God for guidance. I heard no words from God that night and had no visions or dreams, but I awoke a christian. I still experience doubts all the time about the reliability of the bible, but I joyfully remain a christian.
I'm not passing any judgement on your sincerity or the reality of your dream. In my mind I feel that your dream came from your frustration with trying to hold on to christianity. I'm not saying that you were not really willing to follow Christ, but is it possible were you really trying to have him confirm that he was what you wanted him to be? Or were you ready to follow him no matter what the answer would be? If he would have spoken to you and said that he is real and that he wanted you give up your life at home and travel to Sri Lanka and be a missionary for him there, would you have accepted him? I wrestle with the same questions but, and I have said this before in the forum, my test to myself as to whether or not I believe is "if someone held a gun to head and told to me to deny Jesus or die, would I deny him?" Well, I've never been in that situation, but my honest answer to myself is that I would not deny Jesus.
Another thing I believe is that Satan fights for souls. Often, at the point when some christian is about to achieve something great for God, they are attacked by similar type dreams and so on. Anyway you definitely have gone through the experiences you say you have. But none of us are complete. We're all a work-in-progress for our entire lives.