Some one could be theist and a sceptic or freethinker without applying it to their
religion. Or equally could apply it but be fooled by the confirmation bias that they
would almost inevitably have to reference. However no one is completely sceptical
or freethinking all of the time about absolutely everything because we are as much
emotional beings as logical ones. And just because one is an atheist does not mean
you cannot still retain religious thinking in a non religious capacity. So this applies to
us too albeit maybe not so much. But whoever you are or whatever you believe or do
not believe in you are still the easiest person in the world to fool. And so one needs to
constantly be checking for conscious or sub conscious biases. Now you will never get it
perfect but over time and with practice you can make it as imperfect as is possible to be
religion. Or equally could apply it but be fooled by the confirmation bias that they
would almost inevitably have to reference. However no one is completely sceptical
or freethinking all of the time about absolutely everything because we are as much
emotional beings as logical ones. And just because one is an atheist does not mean
you cannot still retain religious thinking in a non religious capacity. So this applies to
us too albeit maybe not so much. But whoever you are or whatever you believe or do
not believe in you are still the easiest person in the world to fool. And so one needs to
constantly be checking for conscious or sub conscious biases. Now you will never get it
perfect but over time and with practice you can make it as imperfect as is possible to be