Americans United for the Separation of Church and State posted an article today about Karen Miller. Karen Miller is a Tennessee County Commissioner who is so terrified that gawd is going to destroy the USA over gay marriage (like Sodom and Gomorrah!) that she has submitted a resolution that is essentially a prayer to gawd to spare her county from the destruction to come.
It's outrageous, and the AU's responses to her are absolutely hilarious. My mother was from Tennessee. Yes, the state is swarming with people who think exactly like Karen Miller.
You can find the article here: Sour Grapes of Wrath
It's outrageous, and the AU's responses to her are absolutely hilarious. My mother was from Tennessee. Yes, the state is swarming with people who think exactly like Karen Miller.
You can find the article here: Sour Grapes of Wrath
"The family that prays brainwashing their children."- Albert Einstein