(May 19, 2014 at 10:09 pm)Lemonvariable72 Wrote: This seems to come up if you ever critize Islam. To me this is patently absurd and small minded as I can name at least three different races off the top of my head that are commonly Muslim ( East Indian, Persian, Arabian). So where does this idea of critizing Islam being racist even come from? Its like being called racist against Hispanic people because I criticized Catholicism. So where did this idea come from, let alone gain ground?
It comes from white guilt, and fear of being labled a racist. Ultimately when in a debate with a muslim the islamic arguement will tank, and the goto last word in just about any cultural arguement is 'racist.' So even if 'Islam' is not a race, over sensitive douche bags have allowed anyone using the 'R' word a wide birth and ultimatly the last word. Rather than call some (who may happen to be a shade or two lighter/darker than themselves) stupid for using the term Racist outside of it's intended use/defination. All because you fear a peer evaluation concerning your personal level of douche baggery/political correctness.
(this is what happens when you care what others think of you and let it determine who you are.) When truthfully Stupidity knows no race, wealth, creed, or religious boundries. Being labled stupid, and your idealolgy stupid for good olde fashion content is the great truth teller, equlaizer and dare I said right of all men!
So, Next time a muslim tell you are a racist for not agreeing with what ever religious thing he is trying to sell, tell him to "go pound sand!"
Because if you are not 'muslim' then you to all of them are a member of that 'great unworthy race' (Despite the color of your skin) you infidel!