I could not believe such nonsense!
December 25, 2010 at 2:38 pm
(This post was last modified: December 25, 2010 at 3:13 pm by GANIMEDE.)
As a child, I attended Catholic school. In addition to being taught reading, writing and arithmatic, we were all required to attend a class on "Faith Studies". After our Nunn gave us long lectures and tests concerning "The Creation" and "Adam and Eve" and the "Miracles of Christ", we were sometimes allowed to ask questions.
Right from the start I had questions concerning the activities which took place in the "Garden of Eden". I could not understand why "God" would forbid Adam and Eve from eating from a beautiful tree "which had fruit which gave knowledge". It seemed unfair to me that this "God" would punish Adam and Eve so severly and mercilessly only because they made a free choice to choose knowledge over blind obedience. I also noted that Satan, the serpent, had indeed told the truth: According to the Bible, when Satan asked Eve why she did not eat of the fruit of the tree which was in the midst of the garden. Eve replied: "Because God said, that if we eat of this tree, which is in the midst of the garden, we shall surely die". (Ofcourse there is no way Adam and Eve, being immortal, could have had any conception of death). . . But then Satan replied: "It is not true. You will not die if you eat of this fruit, but your eyes will be made open and you will have glorious knowledge"
Then, after eating of the "Forbidden Fruit", both Adam and Eve attained "awareness of their nakedness". This means that some of the knowledge they obtained, I surmised, must have been sexual knowledge. So, after eating and obtaining knowledge, Adam and Eve had "lost their innocence" and had become sexual beings. The deity "God" verifies this when he tells Eve that she shall, therewith in the future, "bear offspring in great pain and cling to her husband and thereafter there shall be emnity between you and The Serpent", (whos arms and legs had been removed by the deity "God") . . . . . . And so Satan became the ultimate symbol of seduction and was assigned the task of eventually accepting the blame for "all evil in the world" and someday be forced to jump into a bottomless pit, taking all evil and all his followers with him. This former Angel was assigned the role of ULTIMATE SCAPEGOAT! . . . . . . . THIS IS A BIZARRE AND DISCUSTING STORY. . . . I rejected this religion.
When I asked the Nunn, why Jesus foud it necessary to walk on water and scare the heck out of his deciples. She had no reasonable answer. "Do you not believe?" She asked. I said "No". Then she asked the class: "All those who do not believe this story, raise your hands." I rose my hand and thereafter a dozen or so other students rose their hands. I foud my liberation that day.
Right from the start I had questions concerning the activities which took place in the "Garden of Eden". I could not understand why "God" would forbid Adam and Eve from eating from a beautiful tree "which had fruit which gave knowledge". It seemed unfair to me that this "God" would punish Adam and Eve so severly and mercilessly only because they made a free choice to choose knowledge over blind obedience. I also noted that Satan, the serpent, had indeed told the truth: According to the Bible, when Satan asked Eve why she did not eat of the fruit of the tree which was in the midst of the garden. Eve replied: "Because God said, that if we eat of this tree, which is in the midst of the garden, we shall surely die". (Ofcourse there is no way Adam and Eve, being immortal, could have had any conception of death). . . But then Satan replied: "It is not true. You will not die if you eat of this fruit, but your eyes will be made open and you will have glorious knowledge"
Then, after eating of the "Forbidden Fruit", both Adam and Eve attained "awareness of their nakedness". This means that some of the knowledge they obtained, I surmised, must have been sexual knowledge. So, after eating and obtaining knowledge, Adam and Eve had "lost their innocence" and had become sexual beings. The deity "God" verifies this when he tells Eve that she shall, therewith in the future, "bear offspring in great pain and cling to her husband and thereafter there shall be emnity between you and The Serpent", (whos arms and legs had been removed by the deity "God") . . . . . . And so Satan became the ultimate symbol of seduction and was assigned the task of eventually accepting the blame for "all evil in the world" and someday be forced to jump into a bottomless pit, taking all evil and all his followers with him. This former Angel was assigned the role of ULTIMATE SCAPEGOAT! . . . . . . . THIS IS A BIZARRE AND DISCUSTING STORY. . . . I rejected this religion.
When I asked the Nunn, why Jesus foud it necessary to walk on water and scare the heck out of his deciples. She had no reasonable answer. "Do you not believe?" She asked. I said "No". Then she asked the class: "All those who do not believe this story, raise your hands." I rose my hand and thereafter a dozen or so other students rose their hands. I foud my liberation that day.