RE: The Bible
December 31, 2010 at 9:12 pm
(This post was last modified: January 2, 2011 at 2:06 pm by GANIMEDE.)
Well first off, it is the sheer immorality in the Bible that makes it so hypocritical. The OK from "Yehova" to mow down and practically canabalise the Caananites. The deities favoritism toward "His Chosen" and his "Children of the Covenant". "YHWH-Yahwe-Yehova" started out as a Hebrew Tribal Deity, just like so many other tribal deities of the dessert. The rediculous food regulations, as if their "Deity-Creator" deliberately and joyously lays out traps for Humanity to stumble over and thus appearantly takes great joy in seeing Humans suffer and struggle; and what with all the plagues, sicknesses and poisonous life forms their tribal god thoughtfully included in his "Creation". The Bible is full of contradiction of the circumstances concerning the conception and birth of the "Christ", (of which there were in fact several), which certainly, in their turn, contradict Jewish proficy concerning their "Messiah". There is not one shred of evidence for a "Massacre of Innocents" by King Herod, nor was there ever a "Roman Census" requiring people to return to their birthplace. "Jesus of Nazareth" was in fact from Nazareth and not born in Bethlehem neither was he a "Son of David". Close examination of the New Testament proves this. The Crucifixion Event, is also a composit story of many different such events. False Messiahs were common in Ancient Judea and most were punished by crucifixion for blasphemy, heresy or sedition.
The trial of a "Jesus from Nazareth" in the court of the Roman Consul Pilatus may well be based on truth, but there were several "Jesuses" on trial, including a "Jesus bar Abbas", claiming to be the "Son of the Father". The story of the trial clearly shows the liberal policy of Roman "Pax Romanus" law, which allowed local subject peoples to govern according to their own, (in this case Hebrew), traditions.
The New Testament is quite an artificial work of art: Close examination shows that Luke contrdicts Mathew which does not agree with Mark etc. etc. Ofcourse we all know that different versions of the Bible get written and re-written every few years, so I am confident the next re-invented edition will show more consistancy! Then there is the long list of "books" which have been deliberately omitted by biblical scholars themselves, both Jewish and Christian. The list is well known and can be viewed on the Internet.
I think the best indightment of the Hebrew Bible is in Genesis concerning the battle over the Forbidden Fruit, which gave knowledge and sexuality to Adam and Eve, which angered the "God" so intensely. Here the deity acts with unbelievable vengeance and appearant jealousy of human sexuality. And ofcourse there is the employment of an "Ultimate Scapegoat" in the form of a former "Angel of Light" who accepts the blame for "All Things Evil" and conveniently disapears into a "Bottomless Pit". Christianity is certainly the most colourfull of the three Dessert Religions. I prefere not to list all the passages literally here in the post.
The Bible is clearly an atempt to map out the Human Psyche. Sigmund Freud, Ivan Pavlov, and Desmond Morris have done enough scientific work, (among so many other good scientists), which is needed for a basic understand of the function of guilt and the role psycho-sexual energy plays in human social interaction, social relations and societal structure. For example; the descriptions of the "layercake psyche" etc. explain enough about human behavior to give anyone a better understanding of the underlying symbolic psychological currants within the Bible and Judeo-Christian-Islamic societies. One thing must be made clear: Neither Christians, nor Muslims, nor Jews have a monoply on decent human behavior!
My conclusion: There is no evidence that the Universe had a beginning, (including the so-called "Big Bang"; the "Red Shift can easily be explained by intersteller dust). We all know that from nothing comes nothing. That life comes only from life. Why cannot the Universe, with all its intellegence and design, have to have been created by a Deity which himself is exempt from having been created ? ? ? The fact is, the Universe needs no "Day of Creation" and will never see a "Day of Doom". Beauty requires no justification for existing and it is the mystery in life which makes it so beautiful and enjoyable . . . .
The trial of a "Jesus from Nazareth" in the court of the Roman Consul Pilatus may well be based on truth, but there were several "Jesuses" on trial, including a "Jesus bar Abbas", claiming to be the "Son of the Father". The story of the trial clearly shows the liberal policy of Roman "Pax Romanus" law, which allowed local subject peoples to govern according to their own, (in this case Hebrew), traditions.
The New Testament is quite an artificial work of art: Close examination shows that Luke contrdicts Mathew which does not agree with Mark etc. etc. Ofcourse we all know that different versions of the Bible get written and re-written every few years, so I am confident the next re-invented edition will show more consistancy! Then there is the long list of "books" which have been deliberately omitted by biblical scholars themselves, both Jewish and Christian. The list is well known and can be viewed on the Internet.
I think the best indightment of the Hebrew Bible is in Genesis concerning the battle over the Forbidden Fruit, which gave knowledge and sexuality to Adam and Eve, which angered the "God" so intensely. Here the deity acts with unbelievable vengeance and appearant jealousy of human sexuality. And ofcourse there is the employment of an "Ultimate Scapegoat" in the form of a former "Angel of Light" who accepts the blame for "All Things Evil" and conveniently disapears into a "Bottomless Pit". Christianity is certainly the most colourfull of the three Dessert Religions. I prefere not to list all the passages literally here in the post.
The Bible is clearly an atempt to map out the Human Psyche. Sigmund Freud, Ivan Pavlov, and Desmond Morris have done enough scientific work, (among so many other good scientists), which is needed for a basic understand of the function of guilt and the role psycho-sexual energy plays in human social interaction, social relations and societal structure. For example; the descriptions of the "layercake psyche" etc. explain enough about human behavior to give anyone a better understanding of the underlying symbolic psychological currants within the Bible and Judeo-Christian-Islamic societies. One thing must be made clear: Neither Christians, nor Muslims, nor Jews have a monoply on decent human behavior!
My conclusion: There is no evidence that the Universe had a beginning, (including the so-called "Big Bang"; the "Red Shift can easily be explained by intersteller dust). We all know that from nothing comes nothing. That life comes only from life. Why cannot the Universe, with all its intellegence and design, have to have been created by a Deity which himself is exempt from having been created ? ? ? The fact is, the Universe needs no "Day of Creation" and will never see a "Day of Doom". Beauty requires no justification for existing and it is the mystery in life which makes it so beautiful and enjoyable . . . .