minotza Wrote:I cannot claim with absolute certainty anything, we could exist as you see, or i could be a crazy guy in asylum imagining you or the reverse, or we could all be a dream... or a nightmare,Rhizomorph13 Wrote:minotza Wrote:"This is my first post here and I just want to share some of the stuff I've been thinking recently sorry if I may be rambling a bit..I consider myself a weak atheist by the way.."
I thought that was a good introduction lol, what else am I supposed to say?
My purpose in asking those questions was to see where people disagree with me. If you think people would disagree, please, tell me where and on what basis so that I may learn where I went wrong in making my argument.
Well, think if you started a conversation IRL that way. It isn't an introduction. It used to be a requirement to start off with an introduction in the "Introduction" thread but is not required any longer. It IS nice to at least tell us a little bit about yourself rather than just jump into a discussion. Anyway, welcome to the forums.
Here is s thread discussing the topic of levels of belief that you might find interesting. The definitions were hashed out between an atheist (Adrian) and a Christian (Arcanus AKA Ryft). I find value in their definitions and you might also.
Thanks for that link, I'm reading through it now its very interesting. So far from the first two pages I got that Gnostic Atheist = Strong Atheist and Agnostic Atheist = Weak Atheist? I didn't see much a difference from Dawkins definitions with those two...I'll finish reading it later though since I have some work to do, and I'll put in an introduction after I'm done reading that =D
Ashendant Wrote:Relayer Wrote:minotza Wrote:due to the objective things we know about our universeSuch as?
Chocolate is a good anti-depressive
I consider myself a strong atheist, but i don't absolute certainty that there is no god, not 100% but about 99%, and i made my objective of peacefully oppose the negative parts of religion, and try to passively and non-obstructive spread atheism
Who's definition of "strong atheist" do you go by? If your going by Dawkins definition then your contradicting yourself..
In essence, i cannot claim absolute certainty only the omniscient can.