There's a sect -spesific to Turkey- called Alevism. (not to be confused with Alawi's of Syria) Alevi's differ from other sect dramatically. It's a mixture of shi'a sufism and turkic paganazim -göktanrı(Skygod) religion-, some even says it's a different religion than a sect of islam. I believe it's turkicized version of Islam.
I wanted to write a detailed post about it but it seems someone did it in wikipedia, so this post'll be a biref one.
The most apparent difference is, Alevi's do not go to fast or practice salah because according to alevi belief you really do not need to show your love to god but they practice cem (meaning gathering) which women and men do it together , (most of the people do not see this important but it's the main difference for me) in alevi belief If you hold back yourself from an act with fear of going to hell, It's no different than doing it. If you don't steal because it's forbidden you're still a thief, you shouldn't steal because you know that it is wrong.
Alevi women have equal rights with men (not so in practice but this is due to feudal remnants in our culture). All marriages are monogomous. Polygamy is strictly forbidden.
Alevism -like sufism- is has a panthesitic nature. It is not panthesitic because it still recognize a seperate all powerful god, but it also say there's nothing but god.
here's the wikipedia link
I wanted to write a detailed post about it but it seems someone did it in wikipedia, so this post'll be a biref one.
The most apparent difference is, Alevi's do not go to fast or practice salah because according to alevi belief you really do not need to show your love to god but they practice cem (meaning gathering) which women and men do it together , (most of the people do not see this important but it's the main difference for me) in alevi belief If you hold back yourself from an act with fear of going to hell, It's no different than doing it. If you don't steal because it's forbidden you're still a thief, you shouldn't steal because you know that it is wrong.
Alevi women have equal rights with men (not so in practice but this is due to feudal remnants in our culture). All marriages are monogomous. Polygamy is strictly forbidden.
Alevism -like sufism- is has a panthesitic nature. It is not panthesitic because it still recognize a seperate all powerful god, but it also say there's nothing but god.
here's the wikipedia link