RE: My Escatological Vision
January 18, 2011 at 10:17 am
(This post was last modified: January 18, 2011 at 10:20 am by dqualk.)
No they did not raise me Catholic Christian.
My Bible does not support child sacrifce or slavery. The OT is a story of what happened, not always what is permissible or allowed. And Jewish slavery is different in every sorts from modern slavery. And the OT condemns any human sacrifice. Human sacrifice only happens once in the Bible by a Jew and it is never endorsed, in fact the only time a value judgement is made on the matter it is condemned.
Yeah but we don't really exist as individuals. We are actually just atoms banging around, and for what every reason we are born into a delusion that we actually are a unique individual with our own personess. Really are personness is just an invented category for the sake of our delusion, as there is no form of person floating about in a metaphysical realm that doesnt exist.
Why would I harm the vehicle of my soul. My soul cannot express itself within the temporal realm apart from its accidental material, that allows the rational soul to operate.
I in all caps said I am not trying to prove the existance of the soul, I accept it a priori like I accept my own existance. This is perfectly consistent and rational. The only insane thing to do is to reject you existance. My evidence is I think therefore I am. I can not prove that I am, I just know its true, and this knowledge is necessary to acquire any more real knowledge. Without that axiom you reduce everything to subjectivism. With the assumption of existance right and wrong etc one can now seek out objective truths, and indeed arrive at them.
I do not see this life as a waiting room for my next life, I see life only. This life will pass seamlessly into the next. What you do in this life effects what happens later in this life, and in the same way what oyu do in this life effects what happens in the next, so to speak, also.
The fact is science will never be able to answer or approach the questions that religion answer. Science cannot prove or disprove existance or intrinsic value. It is useless in that regard. It is very useful in many others.
@Zen We do not have conclusive evidence that we exist. The evidence that we exist is about as strong as the evidence that there is a God. For all we know we are just atoms, or we are just a dream or we are just a computer program.
You appreciate their passing changing relative temporary value.
There is an objective right and wrong. For example if some evil bastard rapes and kills a child he IS evil <period> Don't try and tell me your insanity that he is not truly objective evil.
Evolution is driven by chance when it is not guided by God. This is a fact. Clearly you do not know what atheism is. All things happen by chance within an atheistic system.
My Bible does not support child sacrifce or slavery. The OT is a story of what happened, not always what is permissible or allowed. And Jewish slavery is different in every sorts from modern slavery. And the OT condemns any human sacrifice. Human sacrifice only happens once in the Bible by a Jew and it is never endorsed, in fact the only time a value judgement is made on the matter it is condemned.
Yeah but we don't really exist as individuals. We are actually just atoms banging around, and for what every reason we are born into a delusion that we actually are a unique individual with our own personess. Really are personness is just an invented category for the sake of our delusion, as there is no form of person floating about in a metaphysical realm that doesnt exist.
Why would I harm the vehicle of my soul. My soul cannot express itself within the temporal realm apart from its accidental material, that allows the rational soul to operate.
I in all caps said I am not trying to prove the existance of the soul, I accept it a priori like I accept my own existance. This is perfectly consistent and rational. The only insane thing to do is to reject you existance. My evidence is I think therefore I am. I can not prove that I am, I just know its true, and this knowledge is necessary to acquire any more real knowledge. Without that axiom you reduce everything to subjectivism. With the assumption of existance right and wrong etc one can now seek out objective truths, and indeed arrive at them.
I do not see this life as a waiting room for my next life, I see life only. This life will pass seamlessly into the next. What you do in this life effects what happens later in this life, and in the same way what oyu do in this life effects what happens in the next, so to speak, also.
The fact is science will never be able to answer or approach the questions that religion answer. Science cannot prove or disprove existance or intrinsic value. It is useless in that regard. It is very useful in many others.
@Zen We do not have conclusive evidence that we exist. The evidence that we exist is about as strong as the evidence that there is a God. For all we know we are just atoms, or we are just a dream or we are just a computer program.
You appreciate their passing changing relative temporary value.
There is an objective right and wrong. For example if some evil bastard rapes and kills a child he IS evil <period> Don't try and tell me your insanity that he is not truly objective evil.
Evolution is driven by chance when it is not guided by God. This is a fact. Clearly you do not know what atheism is. All things happen by chance within an atheistic system.