(January 12, 2016 at 8:17 pm)vorlon13 Wrote: ODOT spec for gravel road installation.
It can be found online here:
304.01 Description
304.02 Materials
304.03 Prior to Spreading
304.04 Spreading
304.05 Compaction
304.06 Finished Surface
304.07 Method of Measurement
304.08 Basis of Payment
304.01 Description
This work consists of furnishing, placing,
and compacting one or more courses of
aggregate, including furnishing and incorporating all
water required for compacting, on a prepared surface.
304.02 Materials.
Furnish materials conforming to
304.03 Prior to Spreading.
The Engineer will sample the Contractor’s stockpile to determine the initial
moisture content to be used for compaction. The Engineer will develop a moisture-density curve according to
Supplement 1015.
Use material that is reasonably uniform with moisture
. Use a moisture content not less than -2 percent of
optimum moisture prior to spreading. Add water to the stockpiles to meet this moisture requirement. Handle the
material in a manner to minimize segregation. If segregation occurs, thoroughly mix or regrade the stockpile.
304.04 Spreading.
Spread the material on the prepared surface. Do not spread on frozen material. Do not
use graders or dozers without spreader boxes to spread the material except as outlined below.
Spread the material such that it minimizes segregation and requires minimal blading or manipulation. The
Department may perform in place gradation testing in areas that are visually segregated according to
The Contractor may use hand-placing methods, dozers or
graders when the total area of the material is 2000
square yards (1700 m2) or less or in small areas where
self propelled spreading machines are impractical. Small
areas include lane widths less than 12 feet (3.7 m)
or lengths less than 1000 feet (305 m). Do not exceed a
compacted lift thickness of 6 inches (200 mm) when using 10 to 12-ton (9 to 11 metric tons) vibratory rollers.
Do not exceed a maximum compacted lift thickness of 4 inches (100 mm) when these vibratory rollers are not
The Contractor may elect to use a lighter roller if
the centrifugal force exceeds the minimum weight. In all
cases, submit documentation proving the minimum weight requirements are met.
Place the material in two or more approximately equal lifts when the specified compacted thickness exceeds 8
inches (200 mm).
Place the material with self-propelled spreading machines capable of placing the material true to line and
grade. Spreading machines such as spreader boxes or
pavers are allowed. The Contractor may use dozers
without spreader boxes or graders, but the Department will take in place gradation tests according to
The Contractor may use hand-placing methods when the total area of the material is 2000 square yards (1700
) or less, or in small areas where machine spreading is impractical. The Department will not take in place
gradation tests in these small areas.
The Department may test for in place gradation after spreading but before compaction testing according to
Supplement 1090.
304.05 Compaction.
The Department will measure the compaction according to
Supplement 1015
Add water to the material or dry the material to bring it
to within +/- 2 percent of optimum moisture prior to
the compaction operation. Maintain this moisture range during all compaction operations. The Engineer will
determine the percentage of moisture to apply or to be
dried from the material. Uniformly apply the water or dry
the material throughout the lift and in a manner that does not soften or disturb the lower courses. Reduce the
moisture content if the material becomes unstable during the compaction operations.
Compact each lift of material immediately after the spreading operations. Depending on the lift thickness
used, use vibratory rollers with a minimum weight or centr
ifugal force of 10 or 12 tons (9 to 11 metric tons).
The Contractor may use light rollers or vibratory equipment in small areas
as specified in
Ha Funny you should use the Ohio DOT. I have this exact spec book.
I can't remember where this verse is from, I think it got removed from canon:
"I don't hang around with mostly men because I'm gay. It's because men are better than women. Better trained, better equipped...better. Just better! I'm not gay."
For context, this is the previous verse:
"Hi Jesus" -robvalue
"I don't hang around with mostly men because I'm gay. It's because men are better than women. Better trained, better equipped...better. Just better! I'm not gay."
For context, this is the previous verse:
"Hi Jesus" -robvalue