So I fell across this video on Youtube and as usual it's Muslim "victim" tears.
I actually live in the featured city, and I have seen first hand the way a lot (not all!!! FFS #notallmuslims) of Muslims settle here. There's a very observable pattern to it. I see a lot of selective outrage in British Muslims who talk about discrimination and the "lack of integration". A good number of Muslims in The UK seem pretty good to live in segregated communities. The inner-city neighbourhood my Maltese grandparents moved into in the 50s has completely transformed. It used to be a very diverse mixed British and immigrant area (of all nationalities). Now it's an almost exclusively Muslim neighbourhood, and (trust me, we've seen it all), it is HOSTILE to my widowed Grandmother and other Non-Muslims who live there or come to visit relatives. It was always a relatively poor, working class neighbourhood, now it's a downright slum.
You don't see this level of segregation and "issues" in any other minority of British people, you just don't. You don't see many completely segregated black neighbourhoods in The UK, or Indian neighbourhoods, or Irish or Jewish neighbourhoods. All of those groups, even if it hasn't always been a cosy fit (there has been some conflict and discrimination, admittedly), have largely managed to integrate, contribute, and develop distinct home-grown minority British subcultures that are compatible with wider society. This is important, because to me it debunks this idea of Britain being this "intolerant" society that detests minorities. I think it's very interesting that the video shows a black woman (another minority) going OFF on some Muslims on a bus. Now I don't know if her anger was justified, I'm not necessarily defending her, but clearly it's not just white people in our society Muslims seem to have trouble mixing with, it's everyone.
So I feel like, what do you want? On one hand you don't want to integrate into British society, you're good to live in a little segregated community and let Britain happen around you. Then on the other hand you're pissed because you "don't feel British" and other people don't know how to approach you? Why are you surprised?
And why does the responsibility of integration always rely on the "host country"? Sure, British people should try to be inclusive, we should, there's nothing wrong with multiculturalism as a lived experience (not political). However, when you've got a group like this, who actively demonstrate time and time again that they don't (really, in practice) give 2 fucks about "integration", why is it such a deplorable thing for people to say "ok, you can leave if you want, hand in your passport"? Why do we tolerate this?