(March 10, 2016 at 8:07 pm)MrNoMorePropaganda Wrote: But ignorance is strength, is it not? That's what Dirch is basically arguing for. Apparently is get an education you'll be unemployed. It doesn't compute. I thought we were supposed to reward strivers.
If this were true you'd be the incredible hulk of AF.
What I'm arguing is the a collage education for everyone floods the market with educated people with knowledge and skills they can not use to get a job. Let's say there are a 100 million jobs that require a collage education currently available in the US. Now lets say the 350 million people living in the US all have a collage education.. Now this education was not free, someone some where had to pay for it, yet because there are only 100 million job openings avaiable and the market is saturated with qualified people one of two things will happen. the jobs themselves will be devalued/pay goes down. Or the requirement goes up, meaning the job that once needed a bachelors in Science now requires a masters or doctorate in the same subject. If the later happens then the standard 4 year bachelors degree becomes the equilvant of a high school diploma, and the high school diploma becomes a certificate of attendance. Which mean to work at Mc Donald's your going to need a 4 year degree.
Now tell me their won't be out rage in the community if 4 years of collage buys you a job at or just above $8.00 an hour.. How long before the 'educated' humps get 20.00 per hour to flip burgers? (uneducated humps are now currently asking for 15.00 per hour) What do you think this will do to the price of food? Or are you all so foolish to think companies forced to pay 20.00 per hour will just take that hit to keep all prices the same?
How about this instead. Rather than lying to stupid people and pretending the fix all to all social problems is 4 years of liberal indoctrination hiding behind english and math, we teach people to truly think and act for themselves, we give them the tools to seek out and take advantage of opportunities as they present themselves. How about we approach the country with a less government/governmental control and regulation, and let people have a stable country/platform to make their own way? We teach hard work and ethics, we teach people according to their capacities and potential skill set, so that they can become the best they can personally be. In doing so we will ingrain contentment and true happiness, rather than setting the bar impossibly high and not being able to make good on the promises clearing that bar (collage) is supposed to allow them. In the process we save trillions.