(April 11, 2016 at 11:58 am)drfuzzy Wrote: I have to admit that I don't really understand the transexual mindset. I haven't experienced it myself, I can't imagine desperately wanting to be a different sex. However, I have a friend with a transexual son. I watched Marcie struggle with depression all through her teenage years, and into her early 20's. Then Marcie started to transition. She became Anderson. Anderson is a handsome, short, lightly built young man - you would not know he was born female if you met him.
And Anderson is happy. He is outgoing when he once was terribly shy. He has re-enrolled in college, when he once wanted to leave school forever. He has family, he has friends, he has hope.
I don't understand it but I celebrate and support it. I have never met a transexual who wanted anything other than to present themselves publicly as the person that they believe they are inside.
It's really sad when Christians, who are supposed to follow a teacher who held up a Samaritan (a person the Jews thought were scum of the earth) for admiration, who ate with tax collectors and all sorts of "sinners" and treated them with compassion, get angry when we object to them HATING AND JUDGING PEOPLE.
I'm not judging anyone Dr douche, I simply asked a question.