I didn't know about the brain scans. That is interesting, and I think it makes a lot of sense.
Even if that wasn't the case, though, I can't think of any good reason to discriminate against trans people. Living not as your birth assigned gender hurts nobody. Being forced to live as a gender you don't identify with sounds, frankly, horrifying to me. Have none of these people ever had that dream where you suddenly have the wrong genitals and you lock yourself in the bathroom and panic, trying to figure out how to fix it? I can't even imagine living like that all day every day, and that doesn't even touch the social aspects.
The longer I am out of Christianity, the more I'm creeped out by its obsession with what everyone does with their genitals.
Even if that wasn't the case, though, I can't think of any good reason to discriminate against trans people. Living not as your birth assigned gender hurts nobody. Being forced to live as a gender you don't identify with sounds, frankly, horrifying to me. Have none of these people ever had that dream where you suddenly have the wrong genitals and you lock yourself in the bathroom and panic, trying to figure out how to fix it? I can't even imagine living like that all day every day, and that doesn't even touch the social aspects.
The longer I am out of Christianity, the more I'm creeped out by its obsession with what everyone does with their genitals.