(April 14, 2016 at 4:47 pm)Evie Wrote: Well I think that there are two kinds of freedom, "negative freedom", and "positive freedom."
First off, by "negative" I don't mean "bad" I mean, freedom that comes from an absence of something that denies your freedom as in freedom from something. This is what I mean by freedom from oppression: I mean the freedom from being oppressed.
By "positive" I also don't mean "good", because I consider both kinds of freedom good. I mean freedom to do something as opposed to "negative freedom" as described above. This is all about self-expression which I consider self-explanatory. For a little more info on that I suggest learning about Abraham Maslow's concept of self-actualization.
Thank you! I had a feeling this is what you meant, but I figured I'd let you put it in your own words. You might be surprised (maybe not) to learn how similar Maslow's self-actualization and hierarchy of needs are to Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas's voluntary action and order of goods.
Do you think self-expression lies on a spectrum? In other words, can we better or poorly express ourselves at different times? Do you think we can grow in our ability to truly express ourselves?