Cinjin Wrote:This is the only answer I was looking for ... you clearly do not believe in the existance of ghosts - which of course leads one to wonder why in the hell you would bring up these two little gems:
Except that I do.
Quote:Why even debate what a ghost "is or isn't" if you don't believe in their existance. It's pointless. Besides I was only giving a LOOSE definition so people could answer the question without turning it into a battle of semantics.
All things exist. Ghosts are things. As to why debate what these things are, it matters very much. After all, cheese isn't a ghost. Definitions are very important, and it is far from pointless to know what we are talking about.
Given the poor description of what we are talking about... it is not possible to not turn this into a battle of semantics. Especially when you have presumed things to be a part of the description without stating why they are so.
Quote:I have no interest whatsover in changing your viewpoints about a subject so unimportant as the existance of ghosts. Or anyone's viewpoints for that matter. It's simply a yes or no question, which I don't believe you even bothered to answer via the Poll. And by the way ... that "natural vs. unnatural" argument you made is rediculous. It's all perspective and I CLEARLY was coming from the perspective of a normal living human being witnessing something that is not NATURALLY seen in this plane of existence. Way to nit-pick something that has no relevance to the original question.
I voted that yes it is possible before I responded the first time. Given that this is a public poll, you can see this yourself under the "show results" button to the lower right of the poll at the top.
Evidently, you have a non-philosophically sound understanding of what is natural. Capitalizing the word isn't going to change its meaning. If it exists, it was already stated that it is natural.
My third notation is that I am fine with you not responding to me.
Things which to you are a simple yes and no, are to me much more intriguing.
Normal living human beings do not have interesting viewpoints on a philosophical topic. Normal dead human beings are even less interesting.