I wouldn't really have a philosophical problem with saying that there are now two of 'me,' though I'd wager it would take a hell of a paradigm shift to get used to it. The fact that someone else has identical memories, experiences, and an identical physical form would diminish the fact that I have those things. I dunno, worrying about the idea of a 'self' isn't something that really sticks for me, because it's such a massive interaction of multiple factors (many of which could be unconscious or unnoticeable to us, which raises the question of whether or not the clone would have those unforeseen factors in his 'self' as well), and I wouldn't really lose sleep over the notion that what I consider as my 'self' has to be tweaked or changed, because I don't have a super concrete idea of what that is in the first place.
In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty.
- Thomas Jefferson
- Thomas Jefferson