Quote:Just wow!!! and I thought I'm the guy who lives in a rough and hostile environment! at least in our household no one ever makes an effort to convert anyone or send'em to mosque or something. on the otherhand, when I was around your age, in school and highschool they forced us pray and go to the schools sanctuary (well, let's say it's rather largest room in our schools that religious stuff is going on) to pray, read qur'an and listen to religious crap, listen to some speeches about the same crap, and all the other crazy stuffs going on in Islam... In my military service we would've been punished if we didn't show up to pray or the teachings of Islam classes. I got busted once for 48 hours in a private cell for it and from then on I decided to participate in hope of not getting in a cold cell without a blanket and full of nasty cockroaches, and I hated cockroaches, and I HATE cockroaches.
All in all, welcome and know that you have a sympathizer who have been in similar situations all his life, but never at home. That's actually what I really like about my parents, they never forced me to the way of god.
i think you got it worse. I HATE cockROACHES