SteveII Wrote:What is a natural disaster? There is nothing inherently evil about a continental plate shift or a weather pattern developing. In fact, each of those events probably have positive natural effects for the environment. When humans suffer as a result, you are making a claim of what "ought not be". Additionally, people have the freedom to move in and out of harms way. How is is that God is responsible for human choices of when and where to be?
The claims is 'what ought not to be' IF there is a being perceptive enough to know it is occurring, powerful enough to prevent it, and caring enough to want to protect people. It works just as well as an argument that Superman isn't real. Of course, a powerful enough being could derive whatever good an event provides while mitigating the harm. Superman isn't expected to prevent earthquakes, he is expected to save the people from getting killed.
If God is real, he seems to have chosen to build a planet with very few places that humans can live in complete safety. Can you name a place so free from natural disaster that you can say with confidence that humans would be perfectly safe from them if they lived there?
I'm not anti-Christian. I'm anti-stupid.