I got to page 11 and I couldn't keep going.
I've been with more than a few penises. THEY ALL LOOK FUNNY.
But to be fair, vaginas look like goddamn face-huggers.
Consider teaching your kid to be strong about what he or she looks like without taking a knife to them before they can consent. I'm surprised I hadn't heard anyone encourage this, but did hear a lot of "I don't want them to be teased -" look, motherfuckers, kids tease each other about EVERYTHING in school. If you're afraid of that, homeschool them until they're a social pariah, because life is way fucking harder than "someone made fun of my pee-pee."
Cut and uncut dicks are no different when a guy is erect, unless someone botched the circumcision. If you don't like uncut dicks because you think they're dirty, then you are either having sex with someone who needs a hygiene adjustment, or you're being ignorant. I literally had to watch an idiot woman I knew claim that 'uncut dicks were dirty and smelled funny' and she'd NEVER have sex with one, even though I knew she'd had sex with my ex - who was uncut, and fastidiously clean. So either she was full of shit, or ignorant, or both. Most likely, she'd never fucking know because in dim light or the dark, if you're not going down on him or giving him a handie, you're not going to know the fucking difference.
I really get angry about this aesthetics issue - there's absolutely nothing wrong with an uncut cock. It's a penis. Everyone should start familiarizing themselves with 'normal' people genitalia - it's not going to be the 'aesthetically pleasing' shit you are conditioned to in porn, where people bleach, and surgery themselves, or get picked specifically for the shape and size of their equipment. Do you decide not to be with someone because every part of them isn't 'perfect' or 'perfectly aligned' with your pre-conceived standards?
Stop taking away your child's physical agency just because you THINK it'll save him from bullying. It won't. Don't do it because you think it's cleaner. It's not. Don't do it because some girl might be fucking retarded enough to squeal EWWWWW over an uncut penis - your son should never risk pregnancy or any other binding emotion or action with someone who is that ridiculous.
I've been with more than a few penises. THEY ALL LOOK FUNNY.
But to be fair, vaginas look like goddamn face-huggers.
Consider teaching your kid to be strong about what he or she looks like without taking a knife to them before they can consent. I'm surprised I hadn't heard anyone encourage this, but did hear a lot of "I don't want them to be teased -" look, motherfuckers, kids tease each other about EVERYTHING in school. If you're afraid of that, homeschool them until they're a social pariah, because life is way fucking harder than "someone made fun of my pee-pee."
Cut and uncut dicks are no different when a guy is erect, unless someone botched the circumcision. If you don't like uncut dicks because you think they're dirty, then you are either having sex with someone who needs a hygiene adjustment, or you're being ignorant. I literally had to watch an idiot woman I knew claim that 'uncut dicks were dirty and smelled funny' and she'd NEVER have sex with one, even though I knew she'd had sex with my ex - who was uncut, and fastidiously clean. So either she was full of shit, or ignorant, or both. Most likely, she'd never fucking know because in dim light or the dark, if you're not going down on him or giving him a handie, you're not going to know the fucking difference.
I really get angry about this aesthetics issue - there's absolutely nothing wrong with an uncut cock. It's a penis. Everyone should start familiarizing themselves with 'normal' people genitalia - it's not going to be the 'aesthetically pleasing' shit you are conditioned to in porn, where people bleach, and surgery themselves, or get picked specifically for the shape and size of their equipment. Do you decide not to be with someone because every part of them isn't 'perfect' or 'perfectly aligned' with your pre-conceived standards?
Stop taking away your child's physical agency just because you THINK it'll save him from bullying. It won't. Don't do it because you think it's cleaner. It's not. Don't do it because some girl might be fucking retarded enough to squeal EWWWWW over an uncut penis - your son should never risk pregnancy or any other binding emotion or action with someone who is that ridiculous.