I know this is old news, so sorry to resurrect, I want really around when this was a hot thread. Probably could not have kept up on it. I just voted and wanted to share my personal views.
In 1991, at 23, I had my first son. My ex and I talked about it and had him circumcised. Mostly because he (my ex) was, and anyone I had been intimate with. We weren't educated on it. I hated when they did it and felt so bad for him.
In 1999, 8 years later I had my second son. The Web, had come on. We were hearing stories of female genial mutilations going on in other countries. We were much more aware and educated, and I was 31. We decided we would not make that decision for him and left him intact. Also, I worked in a preschool and saw that many boys were intact. I knew he wouldn't be one of few. Progressive Portland.
I am satisfied with both decisions as they were made with the knowledge i had at the time.
In 1991, at 23, I had my first son. My ex and I talked about it and had him circumcised. Mostly because he (my ex) was, and anyone I had been intimate with. We weren't educated on it. I hated when they did it and felt so bad for him.
In 1999, 8 years later I had my second son. The Web, had come on. We were hearing stories of female genial mutilations going on in other countries. We were much more aware and educated, and I was 31. We decided we would not make that decision for him and left him intact. Also, I worked in a preschool and saw that many boys were intact. I knew he wouldn't be one of few. Progressive Portland.
I am satisfied with both decisions as they were made with the knowledge i had at the time.