(April 6, 2009 at 2:09 pm)Eilonnwy Wrote: I'm going to go against everyone and say yes I am patriotic. There is a difference between extreme patriotism and simply loving and supporting where you live. There's nothing wrong with being proud of where you live as long as it's a healthy appreciation and doesn't bully other people who may share a different opinion.
I think people are trivializing the meaning when they say it's just an "accident of birth". Yes, where you are born is completely by chance, however where you grow up greatly influences you as you are and there's nothing wrong with appreciating your influences and culture.
I don't agree with every US policy and there are many things I disapprove of and I think does horribly wrong. hoever there are ideals that this coutnry supports that I support as well. I like where I live and I want to support it help make it better and that INCLUDES voicing my opinion when I disagree with something it's doing, (I.E. I always disapproved of Bush and Iraq, but that doesn't make me unpatriotic)
I certainly agree that blind unwavering patriotism in which people believe their country is #1 and anyone who has a difference of opinion is unpatriotic/treasonous are completely wrong and insulting.
I don't hold that extreme view. I like where I live, I want it to be prosperous, I share many ideals, I am not afraid to exercise free speech when I disapprove of something, I don't think the US is perfect, I recognize there are things other countries do that I wish we could do, I don't get offended if people say bad things about the US, and i have an appreciation for the city I live in because it has made me who I am today.
BTW, I love my Football team, the Patriots. -_^ (No, not Soccer, American Football which is better than soccer any day!)
Are you surprised at being the only patriot to respond thus far?
I just wonder what you make of the rest of us.