(July 25, 2016 at 9:39 pm)Jello Wrote: I'm just about fucking done with this. I'm tired of never being good enough for anybody. I try and I try and I try to fucking be nice, and be friendly, and all that ever happens is i get used. "Oh, come find me if you're feeling down, you always help me" meaningless fucking words obviously, i've never seen someone back out quicker in my entire life. I really wonder what would have happened if i had done that to you? Instead of letting you use me to feed your narcissistic bullshit, and allowing you to step on me to get closer to the people i'm friends with because they're obviously so much fucking better than i am. I'm sick to death of this, even though i know it won't end because i'm too fucking lonely to get up and do something about it because all that'll do is leave me even more alone. I'm just so tired of all this. I'm tired of feeling so meaningless and pointless and useless. I'm tired of crying about all this bullshit. It just fucking sucks.

"Hipster is what happens when young hot people do what old ladies do." -Exian