PETE_ROSE Wrote:Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! Thank you to everyone in the forum for your insightful contributions, I am always challenged intellectually with much of what I read here. I have a quick question for my non theist compadres:
If you discovered personally acceptable truth (whatever that may be for you) that the Christian God revealed in the bible was authentic, would you choose to serve and worship him? If yes, why? If no, feel free to elaborate as to why as well.
I observe there are many former Christians and very knowledgable people here on the content of the bible, I look forward to hearing your responses.
Again, I really do hope everyone is enjoying their summer!
It would depend on how accurate the Bible's description of him was and why it was so important that I worship him. Some of the Bible stories about him don't put him in a very good light; but I know some denominations are able to read the Bible and conclude God is love, somehow.
I'm suspicious of the whole concept of 'serve and worship'. If you're talking about a tri-Omni God, it doesn't actually need those things (or anything). Anything it wants to accomplish can be done with a thought. And wanting to be worshipped is unseemly in a supposedly all-good being, it indicates a psychological need for praise that a perfect God shouldn't have.
That said, if I knew the Christian God was real and planned to torture me for all eternity, I'm not too proud to admit I'm not to proud to grovel if that's what it takes to save me from eternal burning. I'm sure Stockholm syndrome will do for getting me to sufficient sincerity levels. Set me on fire for a second and I'll do almost anything to stop it, I'm under no defiant illusions about 'bring on the hellfire and suck it God' being a choice I wouldn't regret in a matter of seconds once the serious torture started.
I'm not anti-Christian. I'm anti-stupid.