Heya everyone,
I got to this forum through a link from another atheist forum (rationalia). I have been hanging around for a while too for a specific discussion. I already managed to insult a few of the core members I think yeah, sorry for that (have aplogizied in the thread itself for that). It seem this is a 'gloves off, no hold barred' kind of forum.
I have a high treshhold for religious argument that come across as silly, and try to answer them seriously. Ironically, I seem to have a lower treshold for angry responses from atheists. I think it is because I used to frequent a forum where some christians with serious and good points were bullied away with a lot of personal attacks and no content at all to speak off. In this case, the atheists indeed were 16-year olds who felt better then religous persons, and really thought they were more intelligent because they were atheist.
So knowing this, you all might understand where my sig comes from. Some people will hold religious people in a bit lower intellect regard, or atheists in a bit of a higher regard...There I figured that religious background seemed to mattered little.
Yeah, sometimes I might be condencending, so sorry in advance. I am a bit too quick to leap out in defense of others when I think that people don't play nice. And yes, I am aware that this is not a good trait. Just warning in advance, feel free to call me on it when I do it again.
I got to this forum through a link from another atheist forum (rationalia). I have been hanging around for a while too for a specific discussion. I already managed to insult a few of the core members I think yeah, sorry for that (have aplogizied in the thread itself for that). It seem this is a 'gloves off, no hold barred' kind of forum.
I have a high treshhold for religious argument that come across as silly, and try to answer them seriously. Ironically, I seem to have a lower treshold for angry responses from atheists. I think it is because I used to frequent a forum where some christians with serious and good points were bullied away with a lot of personal attacks and no content at all to speak off. In this case, the atheists indeed were 16-year olds who felt better then religous persons, and really thought they were more intelligent because they were atheist.
So knowing this, you all might understand where my sig comes from. Some people will hold religious people in a bit lower intellect regard, or atheists in a bit of a higher regard...There I figured that religious background seemed to mattered little.
Yeah, sometimes I might be condencending, so sorry in advance. I am a bit too quick to leap out in defense of others when I think that people don't play nice. And yes, I am aware that this is not a good trait. Just warning in advance, feel free to call me on it when I do it again.
When I was a Christian, I was annoyed with dogmatic condescending Christians. Now that I'm an atheist, I'm annoyed with dogmatic condescending atheists. Just goes to prove that people are the same, regardless of what they do or don't believe.