Can someone tell of Darkblight is a troll - a theist pretending to be an atheist?
Frodo - the perfect moral is not clear. Over the world hundreds of factions are trying hard to find the best way to interpet the bible, and they all get different results. And really, I'd rather not condone slavery as part of the 'perfect moral'. Just an example.
I think much of our morals have progressed. Yes, I'd certainly call it progression against the ages where witchburning, crusades and slavery were accepted, and excused with, or even caused by the bible.
Frodo - the perfect moral is not clear. Over the world hundreds of factions are trying hard to find the best way to interpet the bible, and they all get different results. And really, I'd rather not condone slavery as part of the 'perfect moral'. Just an example.
I think much of our morals have progressed. Yes, I'd certainly call it progression against the ages where witchburning, crusades and slavery were accepted, and excused with, or even caused by the bible.
When I was a Christian, I was annoyed with dogmatic condescending Christians. Now that I'm an atheist, I'm annoyed with dogmatic condescending atheists. Just goes to prove that people are the same, regardless of what they do or don't believe.