RE: Proverbs 16:4
May 19, 2011 at 1:23 am
(This post was last modified: May 19, 2011 at 1:38 am by Godscreated.)
(May 18, 2011 at 11:15 am)Skipper Wrote: Proverbs 16:4
The Lord hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.
God created all things. God created me. God created evil. God created sin. God created me knowing I (and everyone) would sin. Then God sends me to hell. Fair?
I would like to hear the Christian opinion of, when looking at this verse, how me (or anyone) going to hell would be justified.
I noticed in your comment that you are blaming God for all things, how so, He gave us all freewill to choose and you chose to sin. God did not force you to sin so how is He to blame for your actions, because He fore knew your actions, that does not qualify as Him being responsible for your wrong doing. I know that God did not create sin nor evil, but if He had you still have no valid point, you are responsible for your own actions. By your standard the government that makes it a law,that stealing is a crime, should have to be reponsible for the crime of thief committed by someone because that government fore knew someone would commit such a crime. God has give a person a way of redemption they need only to choose it. You should have read all of chapter 16 and you would have understood what was written. You have said that I'm ignorant about numerous subjects because I have not read and studied them, well the same can be said here about you. You read scripture with the point of trying to find contradictions or to place blame on God for your actions and ect.,you also say that the various writters of scriptures can not keep their writings consistant, well I know I can take the papers written by various scientist and show many inconsistances and even down right falsehood about evolution but to you that's OK for them to do. So where is your consistancy of thought.
(May 18, 2011 at 11:16 pm)Eudaimonia Wrote: Why does the God of the Bible require learning Hebrew.. Mastering Reading Comprehension etc.. The mass of people are largely not sophisticated biblical scholars and to some degree lteralist.. and/or heavily dependent upon scholar/preacher interpretation to justify their beliefs....
Why not create a document that is accessible to all including doubters? Why is it necessary to comb through ancient texts? Perhaps Christians think believers are all going through some kind of life literary test.. where they must devote themselves to understanding and "hope" they come up with the right answers..
He doesn't, thats why the plan of salvation is so simple and when it come's down to it that's all that is required, belief in the plan. The reason we have to comb through ancient text is simple, it's ancient, and that means that english was not available to them. As far as the right answer goes, well that's simple too, genuine belief in the Son of God, Christ Jesus.
God loves those who believe and those who do not and the same goes for me, you have no choice in this matter. That puts the matter of total free will to rest.