I myself would not circumcise my kids (if I ever have any). However, I also don't condemn those who do, and wouldn't push to make it illegal. My personal feelings on the matter are based on my dislike of making bodily decisions for infants/children based on cosmetic or cultural justifications - I don't even like when 2 year olds have pierced ears and earrings in their strollers. Would I prefer that everyone makes the decision for themselves once they reach adulthood? Absolutely. But I'm not going to demonize the parents who do have their kids circumcised.
I suppose it comes down to the risk/harm factors of circumcision. As has been stated, botched circumcisions are exceedingly rare. The health benefits reported vary between slight or barely there at all, while the negatives are a potential loss of some level of sensitivity. I dunno, maybe in the future if we're able to quantify this sensitivity loss, it will become a piece of evidence against circumcision, but I can't see it being the basis for making it illegal.
I suppose it comes down to the risk/harm factors of circumcision. As has been stated, botched circumcisions are exceedingly rare. The health benefits reported vary between slight or barely there at all, while the negatives are a potential loss of some level of sensitivity. I dunno, maybe in the future if we're able to quantify this sensitivity loss, it will become a piece of evidence against circumcision, but I can't see it being the basis for making it illegal.
In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty.
- Thomas Jefferson
- Thomas Jefferson