Welcome to the forum!
It is good that you have found the one true religion, it does not do justice to the FSM to say that its all powerful, all knowing noodlyness is a "God" - the FSM is more than that, more than a "God", the FSM is everything... the FSM is eternal, I'd say it is 'the light of all things' - but it's way, WAY more than that.
Who knows maybe this is all an illusion and in fact we live in a world entirely made of noodles (with a few meatballs) - matter itself is basically the same thing as noodley goodness, however that would work.
All must embace the noodley goodness of his noodle majesty the FSM's noodly appendege,
Anyway welcome to the forums! (that its noodleness has so wonderfully created for all our fellow pastafarians, ramen).
P.S: Oh, and good on ya for being an atheist too btw; good to see another fellow atheist.
It is good that you have found the one true religion, it does not do justice to the FSM to say that its all powerful, all knowing noodlyness is a "God" - the FSM is more than that, more than a "God", the FSM is everything... the FSM is eternal, I'd say it is 'the light of all things' - but it's way, WAY more than that.
Who knows maybe this is all an illusion and in fact we live in a world entirely made of noodles (with a few meatballs) - matter itself is basically the same thing as noodley goodness, however that would work.
All must embace the noodley goodness of his noodle majesty the FSM's noodly appendege,
Anyway welcome to the forums! (that its noodleness has so wonderfully created for all our fellow pastafarians, ramen).
P.S: Oh, and good on ya for being an atheist too btw; good to see another fellow atheist.