My body and sexuality is masculine but my personality style often comes across as feminine.
My balls identify as masculine.
As does my cock and niblets ("niblets" just being a more shanky way to say "nibbles" and "shanky" just being a more squirrely way to say "swaggy".).
As does my beardage.
My chitter-chatterboxing with my mouth and tippy-tappy-tap-tapping with my keyboard both create femininely upbeat wordage pretty darning often... however, my mouth-soundage and tapping-style is like a man, baby, like a man!
My balls identify as masculine.
As does my cock and niblets ("niblets" just being a more shanky way to say "nibbles" and "shanky" just being a more squirrely way to say "swaggy".).
As does my beardage.
My chitter-chatterboxing with my mouth and tippy-tappy-tap-tapping with my keyboard both create femininely upbeat wordage pretty darning often... however, my mouth-soundage and tapping-style is like a man, baby, like a man!