I do not think that we have the scope of understanding to modify ourselves without some major repercussions. There are already so many problems caused by the introduction of non-indigenous species to areas in which they do not belong but in which they come to thrive, the results of which can be environmentally disastrous; now, we're creating animals and possibly soon humans as we see fit, but the fitness of which may have dire consequences.
I had a student these past two years, who almost certainly will end up at one of the major polytechnical schools (MIT has already expressed interest in him in his sophomore year of high school). He is completely driven by the idea that sentient robots are not only possible but probable in the next decade. He jokingly said once that his dream was to create a Skynet that actually worked. I responded by saying that the one in the Terminator films worked exceptionally well-after its own fashion.
Frankenstein is a good morality play. I don't think science can heed the warning of the liberal artists, but I hope that my children or their children will not reap the consequences of the seeds we are perhaps soon to sow.
Brave New World, anyone? Never Let Me go, perhaps? Gattacca?
It makes me shudder. I revere science, but it is at a crossroads here, I think.
I had a student these past two years, who almost certainly will end up at one of the major polytechnical schools (MIT has already expressed interest in him in his sophomore year of high school). He is completely driven by the idea that sentient robots are not only possible but probable in the next decade. He jokingly said once that his dream was to create a Skynet that actually worked. I responded by saying that the one in the Terminator films worked exceptionally well-after its own fashion.
Frankenstein is a good morality play. I don't think science can heed the warning of the liberal artists, but I hope that my children or their children will not reap the consequences of the seeds we are perhaps soon to sow.
Brave New World, anyone? Never Let Me go, perhaps? Gattacca?
It makes me shudder. I revere science, but it is at a crossroads here, I think.
Trying to update my sig ...