The following is from a thread about gay marriage. This guy brings race into every freaking discussion we have. This was absolutely unprompted. He talked about gay marriage and how he hates in your face homosexuals and then went on to say. . .
Quote:As far as the N-word, OMG don't say that word! That WORD HAS POWER! Nobody say the word! It takes me back to the slave days! I can hear tha cane squeezins a'boilin'... ah hell, now ya dones gib me back a drawl, what wit tha power at that they-errr ward.
Oh, sorry, I forgot for a second that I was never there, neither was Kanye, neither were you, so put your big-boy panties on and get the fuck on with your life. Does anyone actually SAY that in hatred anymore? I mean really, when was the last time anyone here actually heard someone use it in its real pejorative sense, not this uber-mystical no-mans-word it has become.