Walter Cronkite and Edward R Murrow would be examples of objective journalists. Most of cable "news" today is pundits not journalists. Pundits can be considered the "opinion column" of a news paper, but an objective journalist does not argue a position but simply reports the facts they find.
But even with "pundits" there are flat out liars who make shit up because it is good for ratings because unfortunately today we've had 30 years of WWE, Jerry Springer "reality show" garbage. Farts News is not news, it is garbage designed to be a right wing propaganda machine.
But even with "pundits" there are flat out liars who make shit up because it is good for ratings because unfortunately today we've had 30 years of WWE, Jerry Springer "reality show" garbage. Farts News is not news, it is garbage designed to be a right wing propaganda machine.