The false perception that the humans of antiquity fell for, in both polytheism and monotheism still exist in the religious and the rich today. Nobody needs that amount of wealth in reality, but just like then, far too much of the world's religions and wealth still stupidly think they do. It is unfortunately deeply rooted in our evolution that we still think we are the center of the planet as if we are the masters of it and the most important to it.
Nobody needs a pyramid, my mom got cremated. I am donating my body to science. Nothing wrong with differences, those are going to exist, but our species loves to over do it. Those pyramids are certainly beautiful but they still didn't prevent the pharaohs from dying nor did those monuments to superstition make their gods real.
Nobody needs a pyramid, my mom got cremated. I am donating my body to science. Nothing wrong with differences, those are going to exist, but our species loves to over do it. Those pyramids are certainly beautiful but they still didn't prevent the pharaohs from dying nor did those monuments to superstition make their gods real.