(May 1, 2017 at 10:21 am)Catholic_Lady Wrote: Yes, that is one of the sources I've seen regarding the link between autistic people and methylation issues. I never read anything from this Wakefield guy or even heard that name before. Anyway, it's an interesting video, if you're into that stuff and have time to watch it.
I actually watched it on this other page (from the same site, Autism Research Institute), and also read the guidelines underneath. Their advice regarding vaccines is this:
Quote: Regarding vaccines
- Parents are choosing which vaccines to give after careful consideration of the child’s history and genetic background. For instance, if a child was born prematurely or has had recurrent ear infections, or if the parents have a history of autoimmune disorders or allergies, then these are indicators that the infant or toddler might not respond well to a vaccine (and certainly not when several are given at one time).
- If you decide to give a vaccine, make sure your child has not been ill recently or is not coming down with something. You also do not want to give a vaccine if the child has been on antibiotics or if they recently came off antibiotics. Ask for single-dose vials, and give one at a time, i.e., per visit. There are no long-term studies showing that giving multiple vaccines at once is a safe practice. I would also suggest priming your child’s immune system with immune-protective nutrients prior to vaccinating. You can give 250mg of Vitamin C, 2 or 3 Echinacea drops and ½ tsp. cod liver oil for a few days before and after the vaccine.
- Summary: We don’t have all the answers. No one does. But let us consider the research that has already be done, the stories of improvement and recovery from parents who have traveled this difficult path, and let’s apply common-sense precautionary principles as we prepare for, and enter motherhood. None of them can harm you or your baby.
- Maureen McDonnell has been a registered nurse for 33 years in the fields of childbirth education, clinical nutrition, labor and delivery, newborn nursery, and pediatrics. Since the late 70s Maureen has been a vocal advocate and frequent lecturer promoting whole foods, green living and preventive health measures as the most logical and cost-effective methods for minimizing complications associated with pregnancy and birth, and reducing chronic illnesses in children. In 2008 Maureen co-founded Saving Our Kids, Healing Our Planet Green Expos http://www.SOKHOP.com and established the blog Raising Healthy Kids Naturally at http://www.RaisingHealthyKidsNaturally.blogspot.com.
The bottom line is, research in this area is still ongoing.
One thing is true: there is a link between children who develop autism and children who have a genetic methylation problem. Among other things, having a methylation problem means you have a harder time producing glutathione which is the body's most powerful antioxidant and plays a major role in eliminating and processing the toxic chemicals and heavy metals that find their way into our bodies. A harsh chemical that is harmless to most people isn't necessarily harmless to those who have this genetic disorder, and how exactly that can effect their bodies and their brains (especially on unborn babies and newborns) is still being studied.
To conclude right now that any number of vaccines on any person at any age is completely safe is, in my opinion, just as foolish as concluding that none of them ever are. That's why it is advised to learn about each vaccine individually and to discern whether or not it is applicable to your child, trying to space out the vaccines, and trying to get some of them done at a later age if doing so makes sense. I don't know why anyone would say this isn't a sensible approach.
The shit I've been through in the past year has taught me to not just blindly follow whatever any doctor says, but I don't need to get started on that.
It's hard to even know where to start, so lets start with the vid. It is the same video. But notice the text below the video in your link compared to my link. The text in your link has nothing to do with the video, it talks about a completely different individual and different issues. Again, the video has nothing to do with vaccination, or vaccination/thimerosal causing autism. And this site now appears to be less than honest.
Regarding Maureen McDowell's editorial and the http://www.SOKHOP.com link. While she does provide some common sense information, the amount of false or exaggerated information over rides any benefit for me personally. Do all of these naturopath things (no supporting scientific evidence), OMG pounds of chemicals in the house with no direct links for birth defects (there are some but she does not make them, just uses scare tactics), pull out you Hg amalgam dental fillings (debunked years ago), take a shit load of probiotics (no evidence that they do anything in healthy adults), get rid of EMF appliances (holy sheep shit), no drug has been proven safe during pregnancy (bull SHIT).......... Do I really need to go on? She is selling/promoting an outrageous crap to generate fear. If I continued on about all of the other bullshit this would quickly become a TL/DR. You might as well go live in a bubble (but not a plastic one).
And I love this quote: "50% of all pregnancies end in a stillborn, miscarriage, birth defects or a chronic health problem," More bullshit. The references do not support any numbers even close. I tried googling as many ways as I could and only came up with a 25% number (23% for chronic health issue/mostly mental/some that could have a sociological cause)
Stop believing everything you read. Take it with a grain of salt, in this case, maybe a bag. And stop beating yourself up for what happened in the past. It's not your fault.
Being told you're delusional does not necessarily mean you're mental.