1. She did it herself for whatever reason. Perhaps she didn't want to but just freaked out. Then had to make up some nonsense to explain it. The co-workers that quit were obviously hungry for some superstitious garbage.
2. Someone hid in a bin, box, under a table or in a cupbord, and hid back in there before she came back into the room... making their escape after she fled.
There are so many possibilities that to conclude ANYTHING supernatural as the cause is pushing the boundaries of credibility somewhat. And adding details about former burial grounds is adding to the spiritualist mumbo jumbo. To me that's a sure fire certification for the funny farm.
2. Someone hid in a bin, box, under a table or in a cupbord, and hid back in there before she came back into the room... making their escape after she fled.
There are so many possibilities that to conclude ANYTHING supernatural as the cause is pushing the boundaries of credibility somewhat. And adding details about former burial grounds is adding to the spiritualist mumbo jumbo. To me that's a sure fire certification for the funny farm.