Thanks for getting back to me. I too find it an intereting discusison because it juxtaposes conflicting moral beliefs (eg right to life, right to bodily autonomy, ect) and makes us ask and answer hard questions even before tackling the basics of it. Of course, I don''t think religion is in anyway necessary to address it. Religion address this moral arguement as it addresses all moral arguments, with arbitrary commands.
Rather, I believe that morality is an algorhythm we each use to help us determine what we should do or what is right to do and the more basic and fundamental your arguements, the more widely they can be utilized to address multiple issues that may not have been prepared for initially.
In the famous words of Alton Brown - I do not want a unitasker in my kitchen.
Same for me for morality. Abortion isn''t moral because it's moral (of course that's a tautology but I hope you get my drift). There should be some more fundamental moral arguements that lead to that conclusion, or to the converse. That's were I come.
I have my moral arguements, and they lead to a conclusion there, but I use the same toolset to determine other parts of my life, so obviously I would like to know my tools works, that's where I;m coming from.
Would it be best to post the emails as a new thread somewhere (they are of course kinda long) or PM you? thanks again for responding.
Rather, I believe that morality is an algorhythm we each use to help us determine what we should do or what is right to do and the more basic and fundamental your arguements, the more widely they can be utilized to address multiple issues that may not have been prepared for initially.
In the famous words of Alton Brown - I do not want a unitasker in my kitchen.
Same for me for morality. Abortion isn''t moral because it's moral (of course that's a tautology but I hope you get my drift). There should be some more fundamental moral arguements that lead to that conclusion, or to the converse. That's were I come.
I have my moral arguements, and they lead to a conclusion there, but I use the same toolset to determine other parts of my life, so obviously I would like to know my tools works, that's where I;m coming from.
Would it be best to post the emails as a new thread somewhere (they are of course kinda long) or PM you? thanks again for responding.