I've said this before. There will come a day (should we as a species survive long enough) when everyone will share the same race. But racism will survive even that event. We will all have the same basic skin color and features. But even the slightest differences will continue to allow people to divide us into groups of superior/inferior.
Evolution and selective pressure teaches us that we are all descended from those who were inclined to form groups (loners did not survive long enough spread their genes). But what I think we forget is that we are also all descended from those who were inclined to take the group they were in and motivate them to go find smaller groups and fight them and wipe them and their genes from the planet. We like forming groups and we like having enemies. In the genes I'm afraid.
Evolution and selective pressure teaches us that we are all descended from those who were inclined to form groups (loners did not survive long enough spread their genes). But what I think we forget is that we are also all descended from those who were inclined to take the group they were in and motivate them to go find smaller groups and fight them and wipe them and their genes from the planet. We like forming groups and we like having enemies. In the genes I'm afraid.