I personally would be flattered to be told I have a pretty smile. Then again I REALLY don't get why girls get so offended when guys compliment them. I know it's personal preference and I'm not gunna say anything against feeling offended but I just don't get the feeling at all. I love being told I'm pretty and honestly I like being honked at.
I don't see the problem with starting a relationship off on looks because how are you supposed to just -know- good qualities about someone you just met? Gotta start somewhere I say. If things don't develop deeper then there is a problem. My husband I started off just messing around and now he is my best friend. We started messing around because omg he was hot. lol He had little to do other than P90X and ran a few miles a day... I wasn't passing that up...
I don't see the problem with starting a relationship off on looks because how are you supposed to just -know- good qualities about someone you just met? Gotta start somewhere I say. If things don't develop deeper then there is a problem. My husband I started off just messing around and now he is my best friend. We started messing around because omg he was hot. lol He had little to do other than P90X and ran a few miles a day... I wasn't passing that up...
“What screws us up the most in life is the picture in our head of what it's supposed to be.”
Also if your signature makes my scrolling mess up "you're tacky and I hate you."
Also if your signature makes my scrolling mess up "you're tacky and I hate you."