There has been a long-standing disagreement between the Out-of-Africa club and the Multi-Regional Club.
Out-of-Africa should be fairly obvious. Multiregionalism is The hypothesis that humans first arose near the beginning of the Pleistocene, two million years ago, and subsequent human evolution has been within a single, continuous human species.
Homo Erectus, with specimens found at Dmanisi in modern Georgia, is a prime candidate.
In essence what it says is that WE are Homo Erectus but that we have evolved from that common ancestor into what we are today. It has already been demonstrated that the supposedly separate species HNS and HSS did interbreed in Europe. As late as 2007 the OOA group was still insisting that no interbreeding occurred and then in 2010 the Neanderthal Genome project released their results.
Out-of-Africa should be fairly obvious. Multiregionalism is The hypothesis that humans first arose near the beginning of the Pleistocene, two million years ago, and subsequent human evolution has been within a single, continuous human species.
Homo Erectus, with specimens found at Dmanisi in modern Georgia, is a prime candidate.
In essence what it says is that WE are Homo Erectus but that we have evolved from that common ancestor into what we are today. It has already been demonstrated that the supposedly separate species HNS and HSS did interbreed in Europe. As late as 2007 the OOA group was still insisting that no interbreeding occurred and then in 2010 the Neanderthal Genome project released their results.