I think he's probably a new member here. A guy with a long history of psychiatric illness that has developed an animosity for science and medicine because it couldn't fix him exactly the way he felt entitled to. He has tied science/medicine to atheists.
He has therefore abandoned science/medicine for junk science and new age hooey, plus thrown in his own version of a god for good measure. Did anyone notice that he ties emotional traits to science?
Says most of science is unfounded and bends to popular trends, then says check out bulletproof. It appears to be a hodgepodge of stuff with some accurate science/medicine reporting and some quackery. All very trendy. Hmmm.....
I'm not quite sure what to make of his dimension surfing other than hallucination, the source of which could be either intrinsic or extrinsic, maybe both.
He has therefore abandoned science/medicine for junk science and new age hooey, plus thrown in his own version of a god for good measure. Did anyone notice that he ties emotional traits to science?
Says most of science is unfounded and bends to popular trends, then says check out bulletproof. It appears to be a hodgepodge of stuff with some accurate science/medicine reporting and some quackery. All very trendy. Hmmm.....
I'm not quite sure what to make of his dimension surfing other than hallucination, the source of which could be either intrinsic or extrinsic, maybe both.
Being told you're delusional does not necessarily mean you're mental.