RE: Televangelists
December 11, 2017 at 4:58 pm
(This post was last modified: December 11, 2017 at 5:01 pm by Drich.)
(December 8, 2017 at 2:08 pm)mh.brewer Wrote:You did actually read the reference material I quoted did you. here let me do the heavy lifting and leave you 4 paragraphs to read. They use big words but if you read carfully you will see a case simpliar to mine being referenced as having non HIV AIDS.(December 8, 2017 at 12:29 pm)Drich Wrote: google NON-HIV AIDS Subject closed.
They do not know what causes it it can describes an autoimmune deficiency that can come and go to due to a whole long list of suspected factors..
The test was for HIV then they issued a second test that came back clear. Again was given the test because of the 100's if not thousands of skin leasion noramally associated with late state AIDS patent just "appeared" on arms and upper body. still have a few scars from them.
White cell count with blood in urine and cancer protein without mrker or cancer marker without protein (can remember which) that is enoughto spend several 1000 dollars in co pays and treatment
Urologist absolutely did Tell me I have a 98% chance of cancer just don't know where it is. ( was sitting on the exame table and he dam near gave me a heart attack when he burt into the room looked me dead in the eye and said I'm sorry but you have some sort of cancer. Didn't know where it was but Told me of all the invasive thing he was going to do and told me to get 1/2 a dozen other things done. because my obama care would allow me to see him for the urology bit but had to goto the UF cancer center down town for the hematology bit. then lectured me on how I lived my life, told me I had a 98% chance of having cancer and I needed to follow his direction to the letter. I am sure I am not the first person he has done this too.
And i didn't walk around with a brst appendix I slept it off.
You scared to hear more than one person tell you the same story? you afraid you might have to reexamine your life?
You people are such hypocrites. you ask why doesn't God heal why can't you produce a 1st person example you always hear of someone else or a friend of a friend.Here with me you have a first person example... think of all the questions you could ask.. but rather you just call me a lair and hope this will allow you to sleep at night for fear I am telling you the 100% God's Honest truth.
bold mine
In the medical community the term AIDS is strictly limited to "acquired immune deficiency syndrome" that is caused by HIV. You just want to twist it for your dramatic god effect. There is no such thing in medicine as non HIV AIDS. That is limited to drama queens or those with limited mental capacity. Autoimmune disorder is not and never will be AIDS.
Although groups at risk of HIV infection appear to be over-represented amongst the
early case reports, these almost certainly represent an ascertainment bias towards early
presentation, CD4 investigation and documentation of
Many of these cases, had
they occurred in the general population, might otherwise have escaped detection (Fauci,
Certainly, since the wave of reports that followed the initial description of this
disease group, there is no evidence of increasing case numbers and the condition remains
exceptionally rare when contrasted to the early exponential rise in AIDS cases. More
importantly, a critical review of the case literature reveals occasional cases or even
clusters of opportunistic infections in patients who have no evidence of CD4 depletion
et al.,
1991; Holland
et al.,
1994; Lentino & Brooks, 1994). Many of these
presumably represent cases where functional immune deficiency in which patients with
normal CD4 counts nevertheless are unable to mount specific cell-mediated immune
responses to counter the opportunistic pathogens. In these cases it is likely that the
spectrum of infectious agents to which each individual is susceptible will be narrower
than that encountered in primary immune deficiency states or in HIV immunodefi-
ciency. It is probable that the only difference between these cases and the ones classified
as non-HIV AIDS is whether the individuals have low CD4 counts associated with their
predisposing immunological lesion.
Low CD4 counts are an uncommon but recognised accompaniment to common
variable immunodeficiency which is the most common form of antibody deficiency in
adults (Cunningham-Rundles, 1989; Lebranchi
et al.,
1990; Kazmarski
et al.,
These patients may also develop severe opportunistic infections, including pulmonary
or extra-pulmonary
P. carinii
infection (Rao & Gelfand, 1983; Esolen
et al.,
Patients with overt hypogammaglobulinaemia were not included in the original series
of idiopathic CD4 lymphopenia or non-HIV AIDS cases, but in some individuals the
hypogammaglobulinaemia may be marginal or even absent in cases with functional
antibody deficiency. Since common variable immunodeficiency is a sporadic cause of
immunodeficiency with a wide heterogeneity of presentation at any age, it is probably
that at least a proportion of reported cases represents examples of this disease in which
cellular immunodeficiency is pre-eminent or where full immunological investigation has
not been completed.
Primary immunodeficiency diseases, particularly those in which the T cell
compartment is severely affected, are generally considered to occur only in early
childhood. However, a recent report (Shovlin
et al.,
1993) described two sisters age 34
and 35 years who presented with later onset fungal and viral infections and very low
CD4 cell counts in the absence of HIV infection. The CD4 counts reported were low
enough to have qualified these cases for inclusion as idiopathic CD4 + T
lymphocytopenia. Extensive immunological investigations revealed very low levels of
adenosine deaminase activity and it is proposed that these cases represent late
presentation of a condition which usually presents in early infancy as severe combined
The similarity of many of the described case reports of primary immunodeficiency
states with those collected under the designation of[b] non-HIV AIDS[/b] suggests that the
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Quote:The skin lesions in immunocompromised patients are many and not limited only to AIDS patients. Just more make believe drama on your part.The doctor literally read word for word that these lesions were found in the very young (who immune system was not set up/functioning) or people with late onset AIDS. Which is what promted me to gt the HIV testing.
Drama from: Department of Immunology, Churchill Hospital, Oxford 0X3 7LJ, UK
Quote:Finding RBC and WBC with/without protein markers in the urine also occur with many conditions and is not necessarily cancer. Again with the drama.examples of high blood cell count, blood in urine plus cancer markers without the proper protein please.. I was told this was early onset cancer. which is why the proteins (cancer waste) were missing/my system wasable to keep up and clean my blood. but soon when it gets bigger my system would not be able to keep up and an excess of these markers would build up.
Quote:If you are reporting the urologist statement correctly (which I believe is a complete fabrication on your part) then he was an idiot. Did the UF cancer center tell you that you had cancer???The Urologist told me I needed to do a host of blood work which I had already done along with my cat scan, Told him What was already done by the UF cancer center, He went to pull my records and 20/30 mins later burst into the room and told me I have cancer/there was a 98% chance of that. we now need to narrow down what type, then he listed out some very invasive porceedures he wanted to do.
No B/S that was how I was told.
Quote:You don't walk off or sleep off a burst appendix.Actually I did. I was told to walk it off and then punched in the appendix..
Quote:More than likely this was gas that you farted out. Yet another lie for dramatic effect.Kinda got that one on a CaT Scan sport. I totally forgot about it till I was asked about abdominal pain I had experienced at any point in the past.
Quote:I'm not scared of your fantasy fabrication stories. I know medical bullshit when I hear it. Yours are bullshit what you tell yourself so you don't have to reconcile how someone without devine intervention has face potential death several times and lives to tell about it.
Quote:You may think it's the truth for to enhance your god drama but it does not stand up to examination.Not from your chair at home it doesn't. You all have member that live close. volunteer one of them and I will show them around. I will show that everything I ever claim to be true.
let them tell you.
Quote:Time to back up your bullshit stories with medical facts. But you won't, just as with all miracle medical claims, because you know it's all fabrication.they are call anomalies. or abnormal reactions. when someone does not follow the death plan tied to a diagnosis. I can share a whole host of cancer stuff. I've got some scares from the AIDS stuff that look like old cigarette burns by my family remembers The business stuff is all true. the wife stuff is all true. my time spent in the inner city ministires is all true, everything I have ever shared is true. Here's the thing these are the thing I needed as a doubting Drich to establish and maintain my faith/beliefs. God is will to do whatever you need for you to establish and maintain your faith. We each get indivisualized attention if we simply a/s/k for it.
Quote:Edit: Can we hear from the other theists here about what they think or the drich story (stories)????we all have been given what we need to established and maintain our own individual beliefs. Not every one is a hand or eye, so God's treatment to us will vary.