(December 15, 2017 at 2:28 pm)Drich Wrote: Funny story.. I was just at food lion handing out flyers and collecting for toys for tots and some lgbt member dressed like he belong in an 70 hair band got all pissy when I did not speak to Him. I just figured he wasn't the type who'd be interested in helping a child in need, then he mumbled that 'he was a magic man with super powers' or something like that. and march into the food lion with an uber driver trying to decide on whether he should leave him or not in the parking lot..
Some times I wonder what goes through people's heads/meaning what could have go so wrong in their lives that they just blindly hate God so, much they would piss all over this season which bring so many together.
Anyway thought I would share.
Not to hard to figure out who is pissing on the season in this story. "..some lgbt member dressed like he belong in an 70 hair band got all pissy when I did not speak to Him. I just figured he wasn't the type who'd be interested in helping a child in need". It was your decision to judge this individual as not useful to the cause because of your own hate driven prejudice. Whether that person would or wouldn't like to contribute, we'll never know because you decided kids in need deserved to get their charity from a better class of human.
It does make one wonder how you can so poorly understand the faith you claim to espouse that you can represent it as poorly as you do. You seem to think that God wants and likes just what you want and like. That you should choose to serve yourself in this situation rather than follow the Jesus of literature does make me wonder what has gone so very wrong in your life. You are hateful and pathetic toward your fellow man. By any measure, that makes you an ungodly man.
Anyway, I feel better for sharing.